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Awesome New Features from WhatsApp Messenger

whats new in whats app?

           whats app is one of the largest messaging app community with more than a billion users active per day..this app recently launched video call and post update features..now lets see what is coming now..

the new feature is that .. the send messages can be deleted if the recived person did not see that message ,,you can only delte the message within 5 mins after you send that message,..which was officially announced by wats app @WABetainfo

this feature has not been enabled yet. WhatsApp might plan to release the new feature on all its platform including WhatsApp web at once ,so it was still in progress

whats app beta also claimed that new font shortcuts are been added on WhatsApp beta. Users will get to see shortcut button for bold, italics and strike through and more...

when these features roll out  whats will be more popular among everyone,,it is going to come soon with more options also but the relase date is still unknown.

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